

Servlets HTTP Status Codes And Servlets Filters

The format of the HTTP request and HTTP response messages are similar and will have following structure −
  • An initial status line + CRLF ( Carriage Return + Line Feed i.e. New Line )
  • Zero or more header lines + CRLF
  • A blank line, i.e., a CRLF
  • An optional message body like file, query data or query output.
For example, a server response header looks as follows −
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Header2: ...
HeaderN: ...
   (Blank Line)


The status line consists of the HTTP version (HTTP/1.1 in the example), a status code (200 in the example), and a very short message corresponding to the status code (OK in the example).
Following is a list of HTTP status codes and associated messages that might be returned from the Web Server −
100ContinueOnly a part of the request has been received by the server, but as long as it has not been rejected, the client should continue with the request
101Switching ProtocolsThe server switches protocol.
200OKThe request is OK
201CreatedThe request is complete, and a new resource is created
202AcceptedThe request is accepted for processing, but the processing is not complete.
203Non-authoritative Information
204No Content
205Reset Content
206Partial Content
300Multiple ChoicesA link list. The user can select a link and go to that location. Maximum five addresses
301Moved PermanentlyThe requested page has moved to a new url
302FoundThe requested page has moved temporarily to a new url
303See OtherThe requested page can be found under a different url
304Not Modified
305Use Proxy
306UnusedThis code was used in a previous version. It is no longer used, but the code is reserved
307Temporary RedirectThe requested page has moved temporarily to a new url.
400Bad RequestThe server did not understand the request
401UnauthorizedThe requested page needs a username and a password
402Payment RequiredYou cannot use this code yet
403ForbiddenAccess is forbidden to the requested page
404Not FoundThe server cannot find the requested page.
405Method Not AllowedThe method specified in the request is not allowed.
406Not AcceptableThe server can only generate a response that is not accepted by the client.
407Proxy Authentication RequiredYou must authenticate with a proxy server before this request can be served.
408Request TimeoutThe request took longer than the server was prepared to wait.
409ConflictThe request could not be completed because of a conflict.
410GoneThe requested page is no longer available.
411Length RequiredThe "Content-Length" is not defined. The server will not accept the request without it.
412Precondition FailedThe precondition given in the request evaluated to false by the server.
413Request Entity Too LargeThe server will not accept the request, because the request entity is too large.
414Request-url Too LongThe server will not accept the request, because the url is too long. Occurs when you convert a "post" request to a "get" request with a long query information.
415Unsupported Media TypeThe server will not accept the request, because the media type is not supported.
417Expectation Failed
500Internal Server ErrorThe request was not completed. The server met an unexpected condition.
501Not ImplementedThe request was not completed. The server did not support the functionality required.
502Bad GatewayThe request was not completed. The server received an invalid response from the upstream server.
503Service UnavailableThe request was not completed. The server is temporarily overloading or down.
504Gateway TimeoutThe gateway has timed out.
505HTTP Version Not SupportedThe server does not support the "http protocol" version.

Methods to Set HTTP Status Code

The following methods can be used to set HTTP Status Code in your servlet program. These methods are available with HttpServletResponse object.
Sr.No.Method & Description
public void setStatus ( int statusCode )
This method sets an arbitrary status code. The setStatus method takes an int (the status code) as an argument. If your response includes a special status code and a document, be sure to call setStatus before actually returning any of the content with the PrintWriter.
public void sendRedirect(String url)
This method generates a 302 response along with a Locationheader giving the URL of the new document
public void sendError(int code, String message)
This method sends a status code (usually 404) along with a short message that is automatically formatted inside an HTML document and sent to the client.

HTTP Status Code Example

Following is the example which would send a 407 error code to the client browser and browser would show you "Need authentication!!!" message.
// Import required java libraries
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.util.*;

// Extend HttpServlet class
public class showError extends HttpServlet {
   // Method to handle GET method request.
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
      // Set error code and reason.
      response.sendError(407, "Need authentication!!!" );
   // Method to handle POST method request.
   public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
      doGet(request, response);
Now calling the above servlet would display the following result −

HTTP Status 407 - Need authentication!!!

type Status report
messageNeed authentication!!!
descriptionThe client must first authenticate itself with the proxy (Need authentication!!!).

Apache Tomcat/5.5.29

Servlet Filters are Java classes that can be used in Servlet Programming for the following purposes −
  • To intercept requests from a client before they access a resource at back end.
  • To manipulate responses from server before they are sent back to the client.
There are various types of filters suggested by the specifications −
  • Authentication Filters.
  • Data compression Filters.
  • Encryption Filters.
  • Filters that trigger resource access events.
  • Image Conversion Filters.
  • Logging and Auditing Filters.
  • MIME-TYPE Chain Filters.
  • Tokenizing Filters .
  • XSL/T Filters That Transform XML Content.
Filters are deployed in the deployment descriptor file web.xml and then map to either servlet names or URL patterns in your application's deployment descriptor.
When the web container starts up your web application, it creates an instance of each filter that you have declared in the deployment descriptor. The filters execute in the order that they are declared in the deployment descriptor.

Servlet Filter Methods

A filter is simply a Java class that implements the javax.servlet.Filter interface. The javax.servlet.Filter interface defines three methods −
Sr.No.Method & Description
public void doFilter (ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain)
This method is called by the container each time a request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a resource at the end of the chain.
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig)
This method is called by the web container to indicate to a filter that it is being placed into service.
public void destroy()
This method is called by the web container to indicate to a filter that it is being taken out of service.

Servlet Filter − Example

Following is the Servlet Filter Example that would print the clients IP address and current date time. This example would give you basic understanding of Servlet Filter, but you can write more sophisticated filter applications using the same concept −
// Import required java libraries
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.util.*;

// Implements Filter class
public class LogFilter implements Filter  {
   public void  init(FilterConfig config) throws ServletException {
      // Get init parameter 
      String testParam = config.getInitParameter("test-param"); 

      //Print the init parameter 
      System.out.println("Test Param: " + testParam); 
   public void  doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
      FilterChain chain) throws, ServletException {

      // Get the IP address of client machine.
      String ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr();

      // Log the IP address and current timestamp.
      System.out.println("IP "+ ipAddress + ", Time " + new Date().toString());

      // Pass request back down the filter chain

   public void destroy( ) {
      /* Called before the Filter instance is removed from service by the web container*/
Compile in usual way and put your class file in /webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes

Servlet Filter Mapping in Web.xml

Filters are defined and then mapped to a URL or Servlet, in much the same way as Servlet is defined and then mapped to a URL pattern. Create the following entry for filter tag in the deployment descriptor file web.xml

LogFilter test-param Initialization Paramter LogFilter /*
The above filter would apply to all the servlets because we specified /* in our configuration. You can specicy a particular servlet path if you want to apply filter on few servlets only.
Now try to call any servlet in usual way and you would see generated log in your web server log. You can use Log4J logger to log above log in a separate file.

Using Multiple Filters

Your web application may define several different filters with a specific purpose. Consider, you define two filters AuthenFilter and LogFilter. Rest of the process would remain as explained above except you need to create a different mapping as mentioned below −

LogFilter test-param Initialization Paramter AuthenFilter AuthenFilter test-param Initialization Paramter LogFilter /* AuthenFilter /*

Filters Application Order

The order of filter-mapping elements in web.xml determines the order in which the web container applies the filter to the servlet. To reverse the order of the filter, you just need to reverse the filter-mapping elements in the web.xml file.
For example, above example would apply LogFilter first and then it would apply AuthenFilter to any servlet but the following example would reverse the order −

/* LogFilter /*

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