

Java To MicroEdition Tutorial (J2ME)

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(1) A ticker is an object that provides scrolling text across the top of the display. A Ticker is associated with the display, not with the screen. You place a Ticker on a screen using the Screen.setTicker(Ticker t). Download a Ticker code example here

(2) A TextBox has a maximum size, which is the maximum number of characters that can be stored in the object at any time (its capacity). Download a TextBox code Here

(3) TextField lets you create a text field to input a value. To put a text field on the form you need to create text field objects. Download a TextField code here

(4) A List is a screen containing list of choices. You can add a list to the screen by creating its object. By using the list, the user can select on elements of the list. Download a List code here

(5) A ChoiceGroup is a group of selectable elements intended to be placed within a Form . Download a ChoiceGroup code here for FREE

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